Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Day in Howth

We went on our first day trip out of Dublin yesterday and it was GREAT! We went to the town of Howth, a picturesque fishing village north of Dublin. The weather cooperated (mostly, except for some fog in the morning and late afternoon).

Basically we spent the morning hiking around. We didn't quite follow the trail we were supposed to but it was still really fun. We ended up hiking up some random hill on a muddy trail and would have had great views except for the fog. But it sure helps when you're lost if you have good company!

There was a castle and the ruins of an old abbey. Howth also has these really cool cliffs right on the ocean. So after recharging from our first hike with fish and chips and a quick stop in a pub to warm up, we set out for the cliffs.
It was beautiful there. We're planning a return trip sometime in April and May when the weather is a little better and we can hike more along the ocean. I'd say for our first day trip it was quite successful and we're definitely excited for more traveling in Ireland. But this week we are gearing up for our first trip out of Ireland! Friday morning we leave for London! Only 1 person out of our group of 6 has ever been so it will be interesting. Looking forward to seeing the sites and also a friend from ND who has been studying at Oxford for the whole year!

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful pictures and we loved to hear your experiences...Mark, Brooke and I all crowded around the computer to read and see a little Ireland!
